Air New Zealand – Social Media Legends?

Air New Zealand was named the best airline in the world for the third year running in 2015. That is pretty awesome for such a small country! They are also known throughout the world for their innovative safety videos; bringing something relevant and fun to what can be a repetitive boring process. As active users in social media and utilizing many different platforms they understand the need to keep them consistently updated. Continue reading

Workplace social media


Image from opensource

The 4C’s? Cisco’s S.O.C.I.A.L approach? Functional Building Blocks? When I first heard about this it seemed to be gibberish to me but fear not; together we will learn more about what these are; what they mean and the implications in the modern workplace. Continue reading

Social Media in Government

Most people think social media and they think of talking to their friends; of following celebrities etc but they don’t generally think of governments. Well this may come as a surprise but governments do use social media, and in some cases they use it quite well! Governments throughout the world are generally late adopters to using new technology and it is only more recently that they have begun to start using various social media outlets. New Zealand governments have begun to use social media in a more humorous way to get across their message to citizens but it is also used for G2B (government to business) and G2G (government to government). Continue reading

Social Media in Business


Social Media Business

Image by Sean MacEntee

Is social media just for chatting to friends and other like minded people; or can it be used in business? If so, what are the best ways for businesses to use this. I have experienced this first hand where I work. I work for a company where we have both B2C customers (an online retail website; ) and B2B customers. Continue reading

Web 3.0 – What is it?


What is Web 3.0?

I don’t know about you but I keep hearing about Web 3.0, apparently it’s the way of the future. What is it? How does it work? How will it affect me? Is it secure? To generally understand Web 3.0 it requires a basic understanding of Web 1.0 and Web 2.0 to see how we’ve evolving to Web 3.0 and then the future. I don’t pretend to be an expert at this in any shape or form so I  am going to rely upon experts to help understand this.

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Social Media – A brief overview

Over 1.59 billion people use facebook each month. That number is staggeringly high! 900 million use WhatsApp, 800 million use messenger and 400 million use Instagram each month. These are stats recently released by Mark Zuckerberg (the creator of facebook). Twitter has approximately 307 million monthly active users. On top of these social media applications there are also WeChat, SnapChat, Periscope, Pinterest, YouTube, Vine, MySpace, Tumblr, LinkedIn to name just a few.

There are many different types of social media that are used in both personal life and in business. Below is a brief overview of the main categories: Continue reading